
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:交通肇事罪  交通肇事逃逸  行为认定


Abstract:Traffic escapes behavior means the peacebreakers escape to avoid the duty to help and responsibility after traffic accidents, is the severe penalty of traffic accident crime. The essence of this behavior is negative act. Subjectively, the actor intentionally committed the traffic escape crime. Objectively, the actor escaped under the premise of having committed the traffic accident crime. About the judicial assertion of traffic accident escape, both subjective and objective aspects should be taken into consideration, at the same time, and the Regulation of Traffic Accident Criminal Cases Applicable (trial) should be strictly carried out.Aggravating circumstances of ‘ death caused by escape’, are on the premise that the actor escaped and there is causal relationship between the actor and the death of the victim. And, the actor here, the person here must be the victim of the occurred accident.

Key words: committing the traffic offences, the escaping after causing traffic accidents, Behavior identified

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本课题的研究内容主要是交通肇事罪中关于逃逸的内涵与认定,有助于进一步对交通肇事逃逸行为进行研究和更好地指导司法实践。本课题从我国交通肇事逃逸行为说起,进而对比国内......
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