
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:体育纠纷 社会纠纷 体育仲裁 体育诉讼


Abstract: Accompany people material and cultural life levels rising,sports commercialized、socialization development,take part in physical exercise continuously strengthen the consciousness、more and more people to participate in physical exercise and sports entertainment. In this situation,the sports dispute also emerge. So it is necessary to understand and solve the sports disputes. At the same time, along with the development of society and the close contact sports relation, law and sports relation also appear unprecedented closely.  But, nearly ten years, with large Numbers of legal disputes to appear in domestic sports fields, it has a broad time background and the profound historical reasons. Sports disputes appear constantly, it has become obstacles to prevent he development of sports in China. So solve sports disputes in time, not only helps contradictory to dissolve, help protect the legal rights of parties, but also can promote the sports steady development. 

Key words: Sports disputes, Social disputes, Sports arbitration, Sports action

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:体育法律问题的特殊性引起了体育界和法律界的关注,出现了精通体育法事务的专家,国际上也出现了专门处理体育法律纠纷的“体育法庭”。但是作为一个新的专业领域,体育法律现......
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