
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:社区服务刑 必要性 立法设想


Abstract:Community service penalty punished by the court as unpaid, non-confinement penalty punishment method, based on humanity theory, benefit theory, repay theory, correct theory and compensation theory and so on many kinds of punishment theory foundation. It originated in Britain, .Many countries in the world are booming. Our country has not yet introduced community service penalty into punishment system. In our Settings community service punishment can avoid the disadvantages of traditional penalty methods, and promoting the criminals re-socialization, reflect the penalty reform trend of light mitigation and depenalization, fits our country's punishment mitigation requirements, is the objective need of constructing harmonious social, is the development request of our country’s criminal judicial practice. China's construction of community service penalty shall start with the legislation form, applicable objects, applicable conditions, term, places and content, actuators and how to deal with not completing community service penalty. 

Key words:Community Service, Necessity; Legislation Thoughts

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:这一方面是对近年来刑法学界热烈探讨国外社区服务刑的一个正面积极回应,另外一方面也预示着对我国社区服务刑的讨论将进一步具体化,意味着我国的刑罚体系将进入一个全新的阶......
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