
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:公共利益  界定  实体标准  程序保障


Abstract::public interest, which is compared with individual interest, is the interest public social agents pursue. there is no definite identification of public interest in Chinese laws, which causes a lot of problems. in order to protect the rights of citizens, prevent government from abusing powers, realise social hamony and meet the need of judicial fairness, it is necessary for us to define what is public interest. In more specific terms, first we should make clear the specific standards and procedural safeguards of definition. the former includes objectivity, concreteness, commonality and accord development while the latter includes democratic process fully refelcting public opinions, specific standards for judicial review to identify public interest, people's right of  public interest litigation and seperated procedures to confirm public interest. second there ought to be some legislative regulations to make it clear. as to the concret legislative mode, enumeration combined with generalization and exclusion is adopted.

Key words: public interest,definite,specific standard,procedural safeguards of definition

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:公共利益一词,源于西方古代社会,也有人称之为公益。相似的说法还有大众福祉、社会福祉、公共福利、社会福利等。“公共利益这一概念是历史经验的载体,其核心意义既不是约定......
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