
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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【关键词】:突发事件   防范  处置   应急制度


Summary: In recent years,emergency is iordinariness as a consequence of being frequent and commonplace in our country,infinitely make more harmful and costly to a society,those are reflect that our country have had a lot of serious problems in legislation、machine processed and so on. Emergency shall be respond actively by the government it`s a important problem.In connection with practical situation.We can look at the issue at two levels: one isto prevent it; the other is to take care of it.We should try to probe into the legal documents, find the lacking and sort out to deal with problems. In this way,we can promote improve the emergency legal system. 

Keyword:emergency          precautionary measure    act of disposition     emergency institution

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:如何在尽可能短的时间内控制事件、降低损失?如何做好与公民的沟通、维护国家长远的利益和政府的公信力度?这就需要政府从突发事件的事先防范和事发后的处置入手,运用相关的......
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