
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-24
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关键词:危险驾驶行为 原因自由行为 交通肇事罪 以危险方法危害公共安全罪 


Abstract: Dangerous driving crime has been intensified in recent years. There is theory space in the subjective assessment of dangerous driving behavior. The aim of this paper is to discusses the deficiency of the current laws, with a combination of our country criminal law about dangerous driving drunk driving behavior and clarifying the dangerous driving behavior of subjective assessment. In order to put forward the regulation system of dangerous driving behavior, this paper has also considered the foreign legislation. All in all, what’s the most important to solve the problem of dangerous driving criminal behavior is that we must act within the whole legal order rather than simply adding new charges.

Key words: Dangerous driving behavior, Reason free behavior, Traffic offences, In a dangerous means to endanger public security of sin,

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文拟对危险驾驶行为本身先行进行理论上的分析,后将其放置于刑法立法角度,分析危险驾驶入罪的现实和理论依据、入罪的范围和尺度以及该罪的引入对我国刑法体系协调性的影响......
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