
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:产品缺陷  基本内涵  认定标准  抗辩事由


Abstract:Product liability refers to a special tort liability including a producer or seller’s obliged loss compensation, damage removal, injunction cease and so on due to his producing and selling defective products which has caused or will likely cause others to suffer personal injury, property damage. Product defect is not only the premise of product liability, but also the basic criterion and nucleus of product tort liability. In theory and practice, the concept and accreditation standard of product defect are the key to solving the problem of product tort liability, in which the development and choice of the accreditation standard reflects the protection of consumers. Additionally, in product tort liability, the counterplea of product defect should be reconsidered based on the interests balance between consumers and producers. On the basis of Tort Liability Law and Product Quality Law, this paper attempts to explore the basic connotations, distinguishing of concepts, accreditation standard and justifications of product defect, in an effort to clarify the researches of it in product liability and thus demonstrate the values of relief prioritized Tort Liability Law.

Key words: Product defect,Basic connotations, Conceptual standards of defectiveness  justifications, Counterplea of product defect

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文将结合《产品质量法》和《侵权责任法》,力求借鉴中外的立法状况和制度建设,以期从社会实际角度勾勒产品缺陷的基本内涵,明晰缺陷认定标准的运用以及探讨产品缺陷的抗辩......
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