
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:平等选举权 城乡居民人大代表同比例选举


Abstract:Urban and rural areas the proportion of deputies elected with the fundamental goal is to promote urban and rural residents in China enjoy the right to vote to achieve real equality: that is a reasonable premise, whether public or farmers, first of all, every citizen has the right to vote and be the right to vote; Secondly, each citizen enjoys the right to vote the values ​​are equal; Finally, each run for the citizens have equal opportunity to successfully elected. In other words, is: "one person one vote; equivalent per vote; of winning equality." 

The proportion of deputies elected for the rural and urban Chinese citizens with equal rights to vote and be elected to achieve significant, particularly conducive to further enrich the principle of equality is conducive to improving and perfecting our electoral system is conducive to urban and rural democracy. 

The "electoral law" provides for "the same proportion of urban and rural deputies elections" and not vote on this truly equal urban and rural residents, in fact, this is only a small step, a large number of follow-up measures should be follow-up support . The progressive introduction of urban and rural population by the same means to achieve the election of deputies are: urban and rural development; strengthen the party's leadership election of deputies urban and rural areas; nurture a large number of the modern political culture are armed with the new democratic constitutional literacy; amend the electoral law ; to enhance the exploration of practice. 

Key words: Equal right to vote,The proportion of deputies with the election of urban and rural residents

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:是平等权原则在选举权上的具体反映,是平等权和选举权的结合。根据前述平等权的定义,平等选举权可以界定为:在合理正当的限制条件下,首先,每个公民都享有选举权;其次,每......
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