
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:电子合同    适用原则    连接因素    


Abstract: The rapid development of network technology makes e-commerce becoming more popular. Convenient and efficient e-commerce in the world economy has brought new impetus, but also brings a certain influence to the application of private international law system. Among many of the legal issues, the application of electronic contract has become one of the core issues. Electronic contract because of the virtual characteristic, making it the issue in the traditional application of private international law system encountered some difficulties. Faced with this challenge, the principle of autonomy and the principle of closest connection, representation of the principles of the application of private international law, are receiving increasing attention. Through the analysis of relevant legislation of foreign electronic contract law and of the principles of application of electronic contract, put forward a sound opinion of the relevant legislation in China, is the major issue to the application of electronic contract. 

Key words: E-Contract, Application of Law, Connecting Point

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:电子合同对于属人连接点的也有着相当的影响。传统国际私法中的属人连接点,是指个人的法律地位,是受到与其有关联的某国的长久管辖的。就国籍而言,面对目前普及并且开放的网......
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