
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:独立董事    独立董事制度    独立性 


Abstract: Independent director role is the premise of keeping its independence. However, in our country, because the right accountability mechanisms independent director system is not perfect, elective system defects, low proportion of independent directors, has not been established credit system, incentive mechanism is not perfect and other reasons, the independent directors and does not play its due role. In this regard, the rights should be through the improvement of accountability mechanisms, selecting mechanism, incentive mechanism to improve the proportion of independent directors, the establishment of credit system and other measures to effectively protect the independence of independent directors.

Key words: Independent director, Independent director system, Independence



上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:传统的给独立董事报酬的支付方式一般是固定津贴制,主要包括年费和出席会议的会费,一般与公司的业绩无关。从一定角度看,这种做法是有道理的,因为独立董事的工作就是参加董......
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