
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:卡特尔   宽恕制度   完善


Abstract: The leniency policy is a system to encourage cartel members to report their illegal activities to the authority with their legal responsibility diminished or exempted. The policy was set up by U.S.and innovated by EU, it is based on the theory of Prisoner’s Dilemma , Cost efficiency and Winner-Take-All. Leniency policy has its unique value in fighting against the cartel. Nowadays, leniency policy is widely used by many countries in the world, our anti-monoply law also provides the leniency policy. However, our provision is too simple and abstract, which makes it too superficial to carry out. We should perfect our leniency policy by harsh punishment, specific and certain condition, munificent and discriminatory treatment. In this way, our leniency policy will play its role.

Key words:  Cartel,  Leniency Policy,  Perfect

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:工商总局《关于禁止垄断协议行为的有关规定(征求意见稿)》虽然对《反垄断法》中的宽恕制度作了进一步的规定,但在细节方面还比较粗糙,不够完整细致。我国应借鉴各国的宽恕......
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