
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:不当得利 非债清偿 举证责任分配 举证责任倒置


Abstract: In judicial practice, as non-debt settlements of litigation arising from unjust enrichment are very often happened, and allocation of the burden of proof is particularly important in these situations. Judges do the allocation of the burden of proof according to the basic principles when confronted with unknown facts in the cases.That is to say, the burden of proof lying on which party’s shoulder will affect the result of the cases.So the allocation of the burden of proof has very close connection with the justice and fairness. This paper discusses the key problems concerning allocation of the burden of proof in non-debt repayment.

Key words: unjustified enrichment,non-debt repayment, allocation of the burden of proof,liability of pat to the proof opposite place

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:正是因为缺乏理论的深入性和系统性针对性,欠缺明确的规范,实践中导致对类似案件没有可操作性的指导理论。因此对非债清偿不当得利的举证责任研究,显得非常有实际意义......
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