
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:公司社会责任 实施机制  法的治理


Abstract: Corporates are the cells of the social economy .Corporates have to take into account the best interests of the stockholder,which is corporates's financial responsibility,but also should take into account the stake-holders interests,which is the corporates's social responsibility.Implementation mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility in China has been basically established.But it is still not sound, There are many problems in legal of regulation and practice runs.For example, the lack of legislation maneuverability, the absence of government supervision and other problems.    

The legislation of Corporate Social Responsibility of Janpan has been well improved and sound. The improvement of corporate governance system and the industry self-regulation(such as “Charter of corporate behavior”)  make a great contribution to implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility.

For China's national conditions, we should improve the relevant legislation and the methods of rights remedy of corporate social responsibility and we also should improve the government supervision to promote the effective implementation of corporate social responsibility. In addition, we should enhance the strength of our industry associations to achieve the self-discipline of the corporates and corporate associations. Corporate governance structure within the company should be properly adjusted by strengthening the functions and status of supervisors and expanding the stakeholder participation in corporate governance. Finally,social publish mechanism  should be introduced to improve the supervision system and we should build corporate social responsibility evaluation system which is based on our national conditions.

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:关于公司社会责任理论的发展历史和理论基础,本文不再赘述。至于公司是否应当承担社会责任,以及公司承担社会责任是否应当使用法律方法来进行规制等问题,其答案毫无疑问是肯......
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