
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:测谎结论 测谎原理 证据属性 适用原则


Abstract: Polygraph technology is based on the research results of psychology, physiology, electronics and other disciplines. And the core of this technology is the mental stimulation and physiological reaction corresponding associated relations. Because polygraph technology and polygraph conclusion have the qualities of scientific, interactive, objective and limited, they have caused a great of controversy in practice. But in fact it is the polygraphs that can finish the work of testify to relevance of essential attribute of evidence in litigation proof activities. So they should be accepted and used as a kind of evidence that need extra evidences’ cooperation. And its negative conclusion proof force is stronger than its probative force. As long as a kind of method of cognition is real and good for us to clarify fact correctly and legally, we all should take use of it and let it serve our litigation system through the integrity of the original evidence theory system and litigation procedure system.

Key words: Polygraph conclusions, Polygraph principle, Evidence attribute, Applicable principle

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:就测谎结论而言,有学者认为其是“通过测谎检查所获得的证据材料,即专门技术人员按照一定的规则,运用测谎设备记录被测谎对象在回答其所设置的问题的过程中某些生理参量的变......
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