
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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摘要:现行的国际货币体系有一个重大的问题即:美元霸权,它反映了改革国际货币体系的必要性。08年的金融风暴使得国际社会更加意识到其迫切性,美国可以通过滥发美元来融通贸易赤字和财政赤字, 使得其他国家尤其是处于资本积累阶段的发展中国家为其买单;其次文章指出超主权储备货币改革面临多重难题, 现实的可能是建立多样化的国际货币体系;最后探讨了人民币国际化问题, 指出我国应发挥人民币在国际货币体系改革中的作用, 推进人民币国际化进程, 人民币国际化既有机遇又有挑战。

关键词:国际货币体系; 美元霸权;SDR; 人民币国际化 


Abstract: There is a very serious problem in the current monetary system, i.e., the “dollar supremacy”, which reflects the necessity of reforming the international monetary system. Also the financial crisis of 2008 made the international society come to realize the emergency of reforming the current currency system. By issuing excessive dollars, the American government can reduce the pressure of financial deficits and business deficits. Other countries, especially developing countries will have to pay for his fault. The article also points out that it faces many difficulties building supra-sovereign currency; the practical possibility is to establish a multiple currency system. In the end, the article discusses the problem of internationalizing RMB. China should make more effects on the reforming process and put forward RMB as a choice for other countries. China faces both challenges and opportunities in the current situation.  

Key words: International currency system   Dollar supremacy   SDR Internationalization of RMB

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:通过对于各相关机构机制的逐渐改革来推进一个更加公平公正,更能代表绝大多数国家利益的国际货币体系。同时在这一过程中将实现超主权国际储备货币的实现作为终极目标,指导这......
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