
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:公益诉讼 环境公益诉讼 原告资格制度


Abstract: The Environmental Public-spirited Litigation is such a legal proceeding that any citizens, corporations, institutions or government agencies, for the purpose of protecting public environmental interests, enter a lawsuit against those government departments including administrative organs, corporations or any other individuals who may bring dangers to the environments. The traditional system of plaintiff qualification should be used as a breakthrough point in order to establish the rules concerning environmental public-spirited litigations in China. As far as I’m concerned, by studying the universal lawsuits on plaintiff qualification, especially those American cases, the plaintiff qualification in our country should be set under the standards of Australian meddler test, with the base of republicanism and the functional approach of zealous advocacy. In terms of juridical practice, China ought to advocate the citizen-centered or group-centered system of environmental public-spirited litigation, procuratorial organs acting as a preview. Only by such can we shape the system of plaintiff qualification with regard to environmental public-spirited litigation both theoretically and practically. 

Key words: Public-spirited Litigation, Environmental Public-spirited Litigation, Plaintiff Qualification

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文以我国的原告适格制度作为突破口,从理论上通过对原有原告适格制度的对比,通过对国外原告适格制度实践以及理论的借鉴,总结并提出对我国环境公益诉讼原告适格制度具体构......
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