
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:现实交付  观念交付  占有改定  指示交付  效力


Abstract: Delivery of movable property can be divided into real delivery and concept delivery. The concept of delivery can be divided into three types of circumstances, which is easy delivery, Possession Reformulation and the delivery of Instructions. Allows the concept of delivery is fully respecting the will of the parties. It can reduce the actual transaction costs paid by the delivery to make transactions easier. However, delivery of possession and instructions is just an agreement between the parties which makes the transfer of movable property and the setting can only be effective between the parties and not have the publicity, we can not against a third party.

Key words: Real delivery, Concept delivery, Possession Reformulation, The delivery of instructions, Effect

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:我国法律并没有对交付作定义性的规定,那么何谓交付呢?学者们的表述可谓见仁见智。台湾学者谢在全认为:所谓交付,有“现实交付”与“观念交付”两种情形,前者乃动产物权之......
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