
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:合同形式欠缺 合同成立 合同强制 成立要件


Abstract :Form of contract, is the external manifestation of the parties agree, is the contents of the contract carrier. Form of contract is from the types of points. There orally, in writing; from the legal form of the points, there are two kinds of legal forms and contract forms. Form of the contract system, the mission is to the prosperity and economic development, and fully guarantee the security, maintenance of trade stability, and promoting trade efficiency and maximize both parties to the contract and the balance of public interests. Form of contract is essential for the establishment of the contract. When dealing with practical problems it is necessary to pay attention to the form of contract and parties to the contract have to take into account the balance of public interests. Discern the nature of the form of contracts, lack of understanding of the contract in the form of the contract set up to properly handle the contract between the force and freedom of contract relations, improve the judiciary in dealing with the lack of means of contract forms. Enable us to deal with the contract in the form of contract is established when the lack of practical problems is more handy. 

Key words: Lack of form of contract ,Establishment of the contract,Contract enforcement ,Essential Elements

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:如今虽然在合同法中合同形式的作用性表达暧昧,但是在我国法律实践中为了使意思表示的内容具有确定性、告诫性和公正性,防止当事人利用形式自由损害国家、社会和他人利益,形......
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