
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:民事诉讼 证据收集 法官调查取证 当事人举证 调查令


Abstract:The late 20th century, the beginning of 80 Civil Trial, more concerned about the evidence collection system. Evidence collection system theorists have put forward different reform proposals, but all the burden of proof that the parties should be strengthened, taking a comprehensive collection of evidence the court to change the situation, and weaken the Court in terms of evidence collection. Later, this idea is also embodied in legislation. Promulgated in 1991, the Civil Procedure Law of China was established to collect their own evidence-based parties, the court investigation and evidence collection, supplemented by the evidence collection system. December 2001, "Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Civil Evidence"(hereinafter referred to as "rules of evidence are suing"), investigate and collect evidence against the people's court the case was limited. But because the law related to the content of the principles and provisions are too simple, in practice, how the judges have also held a different understanding. If not timely remove ambiguities, common understanding, is bound to further deepen the reform of civil litigation constraints. Civil process is to collect evidence, cross examination and certification of judges and make the referee process. Investigation of evidence collection is the core of civil litigation, the court investigation and evidence collection has its existence. Judges are not the subject of proof, the court investigate and collect evidence for investigation and evidence collection is part of a system in which the status of home helper is a kind of judicial relief act. Application for investigation and evidence collection by the court only, it is one of the parties the means of proof required by cross-examination, the effect is not unique. The court upon application, investigation and evidence collection should be included in "Procedure Before Trial", and give the parties the right to adequate representation, investigation and evidence collection of the judge and the judge hearing the case should be separated. Judge the conditions of investigation and evidence collection should be appropriate to relax, according to mandate and in accordance with an application for the investigation and evidence collection should be clearly regulated and orderly manner “investigation order “system.

Keywords: Civil litigation,Evidence collection,Court investigation and evidence collection,Party proof,Investigation order

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:实际上在司法实务中,法官调查取证的案件数量也大有由减到增的趋势,这在一定程度上既反映了最高人民法院《民诉证据规定》执行以来对法官调查取证的态度变化,也反映出法官对......
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