
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:民事诉讼  合法性  非法证据  重大违法 利益衡量


Abstract: Eliminating illegal evidence of criminal litigation in the United States first in the field can be established and development, its purpose is to restrict the investigators have public power (mainly refers to the police) abuse of power enroach on the legal rights of citizens, core value is to protect human rights. Since then, many countries have sure this rule by the value of the original version, and in their lawsuit establishment eliminating illegal evidence in the field of relevant rules. China also in three litigation fields established and exclude illegal evidence related series of specifications. Including civil illegal evidence elimination from established so far has gone through the old standard and the new standard two different stages. In the new standard based on critical inheritance of illegal evidence rule new interpretation. New standards to grasp, should take major illegal as exclusion of the illegal evidence in the judge, and the substantive standards in the process of free heart syndrome introduced the principle to determine whether benefit measure constitutes a major illegal; In addition, in view of our country present stage civil litigants collecting evidence ability is weak, the parties, the safeguard mechanism of forensics is unsound's situation, should try to expand the scope of legal evidence obtained evidence, improve the parties of recoverable reliability; Meanwhile, clear in specific cases of illegal evidence elimination shall not apply to relevant specification.

Key words: Civil litigation  legitimacy  Illegal evidence  Major illegal  Interest measure

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:虽然我国法律上有禁止非法获取证据的规定,但排除民事诉讼非法证据的规定尚不完善,标准尚未明确。因此,本文试图从民事诉讼非法证据排除的立法及司法现状入手,着重探讨非法......
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