
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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Abstract: With human society advances and the situation of human rights, the rights of improved increasingly perfect legislation also gradually, home and abroad have about personal rights and civil subject continuation of relevant provisions, the protection of rights that people fully legal protection and new requirements. Made from dead reputation and author the continuation of the copyright protection, people produced a wider and more profound and think. Among them, the most important and the most meaningful, is about the dead and the unborn fetus whether have also similar legal protection discussion. Put this question more direct expression is about civil main body, some problems of the protection of personal rights continuation. Combining domestic and foreign relevant laws and regulations, this paper will perfect our country civil main body of the continuation of personal rights protection puts forward some own point of view, the relevant legislation at home and put forward their views and suggestions.

Keywords:right of the person, extended protection, the dead, the unborn fetus

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:人身权,作为公民的基本权利,进而又对人身权的延续保护有了新的讨论。笔者认为,对民事主体人身权延续保护问题作进一步的讨论,确定还有哪些人身权益可以适用延续保护,发现......
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