
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:手机业务  侵权行为   运营商   SP服务商


Abstract: Torts in the handset service is a specific kind of violations. At present, mobile operators, service providers of sp and some illegal users, intentionally caused some special users or unspecific users damage to intellectual property rights, property rights and interests particularly personality rights and interests, by shared phones wap network channels and bad service or information. The main right infringement types are as follows: the first is the spam messages, the second is the leakage of personal information and the third is downloading right infringement. Legislation and practice on the handset service are not clearly defined as well as. So , through  the  methods  of  legislation and so on , effectively cutting off the interest links between the handset service operators, service providers of sp and illegal users, clarifing the concepts and the rights and obligations between consumers, operators and service providers, strengthening and improving the mobile phone card network name system, and improving the monitoring and complaint make sense.

Key words : The handset service   ,  Act of infringement   ,  Operators  ,Service providers of sp

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:目前,手机业务中的侵权类型主要有以下几类:一是垃圾短信,二是个人信息泄露,三是下载侵权。面对种种纠纷,目前的司法实践对手机业务的侵权问题都没有明确的相关处理模式,......
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