
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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Abstract:The applicable legal principles in modern judicial practice exist the bigger dispute. With the continuous development of society, the judicial practice activities     also are becoming increasingly complicated, rely solely on the rule of law has been unable to solve the existing social problems. When the existing legal rules do not satisfy the need of judicial procedure, legal principle of the rule of law as a supplement to the role of those will become increasingly obvious. In judicial activities, legal principles are not only make up an important means of legal loophole, but also to the discretion of the judge acknowledged and norms. But because the connotation of legal principles, it is highly abstract increased judicial uncertainty, gave the judge big discretion of space, so it is like a "double-edged sword", must apply proper. This paper is aimed at the applicable law principles discussed and analyzed, expounds the legal principles applicable in judicial process and its conditions. 

Key words: Legal principle,   The rule of law,   Justice,   Principles applicable 

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:对于法律原则,一直以来我国法学界关注较多的仍是立法政策上和法律文本中的法律原则,这些原则通常被认为仅具有道德上的象征性意义或政治上的宣示性意义,同时,基于当前我国法官的......
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