
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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【关键词】团体诉讼   诉权主体   适用范围   


【Abstract】Verbandsklage is a specialized system in law area, in which some certain verbandsklage is given subject  qualification and action right, and they can propose and participate in the proceedings on behalf of group members, independently enjoy and undertake rights and obligations in the proceedings, and can make independent entity sanctions. Verbandsklage is an effective system to settle group dispute. This article will talk about the construction of verbandsklage in our country from the meaning and trait of verbandsklage, subject of action right, scope of application and some other things we should pay attention in the process of the construction.

【Keywords】Verbandsklage, subject of action right, scope of application

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:在我国,随着改革开放的扩大和深入,一些问题也随之而来,生态失衡、环境污染、公平的市场经济秩序遭受破坏、消费者权益频遭侵害等涉及社会公共利益或集团性权益之保护的现代......
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