
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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【关键词】网络名誉侵权     认定     保护  


【Abstract】With the development of information science and technology, the Internet has become the fifth element of human life, human information exchange network to become the new way. However, due to the characteristics of the network and network technology uncertainty and the international and domestic legislation lags behind, occurring on a large network of defamation. Traditional defamation, compared with the network against defamation and convenient way to disseminate regional wide interactive violations and the seriousness of the consequences of infringement and other characteristics, the way in the abuse has its own characteristics, including Internet blog, Web spoof, through the forum to speak, online chat rooms, etc.. The main responsibilities of the network more complex tort, including direct infringer, speech communicators, Internet service provider (ISP), and the infringer from being the fact that there was damage, the perpetrator acts are illegal, unlawful and harm between causal relationship, the perpetrator subjective fault to identify four aspects of the network reputation tort liability. Reputation for network development to the protection of the enormous threat to all countries to strengthen the network of legal protection of reputation, but in the determination of the infringer, the collection of evidence, the determination of jurisdiction, there are still many difficulties. China from the Constitution, civil, criminal and other laws of the height, the implementation of a multi-faceted legal protection for the reputation, but the great challenges facing the network, the authors put forward several recommendations: to strengthen the network in legislative activities, improve the network code of conduct to improve network industry self-awareness, build a network ethics.

【Key words】: Internet Reputation Infringement; Identified; Protection

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:随着网民数量的急剧增加和网络环境下毫无节制的自由,网络正在人类面临着一场前所未有的危机。在这样一个“管理人”缺失的地带,这样一个“网络法治”滞后的时代,规范网络言......
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