
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:网络著作权  网络服务提供商   侵权责任  避风港规则


Abstract: The network as a new industry in the world today is developing rapidly under the traditional copyright system of the Internet age by the impact. China in recent years there have been massive online copyright infringement case, making the network the problems of copyright protection have become increasingly prominent. "Safe harbor rules " is to identify the network service provider's responsibility to limit their copyright infringement liability of a statutory rule. But both in theory but also the specific application of the rules of Court are the following four questions: information "without change " identified the problem, the subjective state of network service providers identify problems, to profit from the infringing work identified the problem, "Notice to delete "obligations. Each issue of this topic by combining some of the case analysis and then propose some measures to better protect the interests of the parties, and promote the development of China's Internet industry.

Key words: Internet Copyright Infringement Liability ISP safe harbor rules

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:据传统侵权法的理论,网络服务商提供服务的行为故意或过失侵犯他人版权的时候,即应当承担损害赔偿责任。但是为了促进网络服务产业的发展,法律明确规定了责任限制条款,对符......
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