
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:滥用职权  构成要件  司法认定  刑罚适用 


Abstract:. Crime of Power Abuse was established by Criminal Law of P.R.China in 1997.As a class of specified offenses stipulated in the ninth chapter “Dereliction of Duty”, they include the general abuse of power crime and the special abuse of power crime, involving a total of 24 charges. Criticizing criminal law is inferior to interpreting it. So the general abuse of power crime in Article 397 should be analyzed with help of criminal law explanation study under the guidance of such conceptions as: legal crimination, protection of legal interests and equally treatment towards regulatory constraints. According to the request of legal principle in the crime legal idea, the crime’s subject can only be the state personnel; Considering the perspective of the protection of legal interests and the systematic characteristics of the Criminal Law, both acts and omissions may constitute the crime; this crime is intentional crime, the content of which is that the conductor knew perfectly well that the action of his/her abuse of power may result in the violation of legality, fairness, effective execution of national agency official business as well as the distrust of the people, still he/she expects the result or let it go unchecked. The objective extra element of this crime is the result of causing the heavy loss of national and public poverty and personal interests, without the request for the conductor of expecting the result or letting it go unchecked. 

Key words: Power Abuse, Constitution of Crime,Judicial Conviction,  Criminal Sanction

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文以刑法理念即罪刑法定、保护法益、平等对待被规制行为为指导,对第397条的一般滥用职权罪进行刑法解释学分析,通过解释使刑法条文正当化和合理化,以此解决当前司法实践中......
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