
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:不动产物权变动 物权形式主义 债权意思主义 债权形式主义


Abstract:The alteration of real right of property refers to the establishment, modification, attornment and elimination of ownership of property. Different nations employ different legal systems on the alteration of real right, primarily property formalism, intentionalism of creditor’s right and creditor formalism, with methods of registration of requirements and registration of confrontation accordingly. Experts in law science can not decide which system has the advantages over the others or which system is to adopt. This paper begins with the concept of the alteration of real right of property and the scope of discussion. From the three major models of the alteration of real right in the world, ideal paths to alter the real right of property are studied; two ways of the alteration of real right of property in China is discussed to help to comprehend their applicable scopes and effectiveness and author’s recommendations for their improvements are also presented.

Key words: the alteration of real right of property, property formalism, intentionalism of creditor’s right, creditor formalism

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:不动产交易关系到国家基础经济建设,人们生活根本,甚至是国家经济命脉,如何选择适合我国国情的不动产物权变动方式,使其不仅符合法律逻辑形式,而且易于民众接受,以维护不......
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