
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:测谎技术  测谎结论  有限采用


Abstract: Polygraph technology and polygraphic activities have been widely recognized and used around the world. China also has applied this technology into investigation activities widely since the 1980s. It has played an important role in investigation orientation, seeking clues and improving the detection rate. However, the legal status of Polygraph has not been resolved and theorists have argued it incessantly. Besides, the provision of the existing judicial interpretation is also problematic. In our country, we should treat the polygraph conclusions in a developmental attitude. With more understanding of the scientificalness of polygraph technology, we take polygraph conclusions as the limited used and auxiliary evidence in appraisal conclusion form, so as to better help for judicial practice.

Key words: Polygraph Technology     Polygraph Conclusion    Limited Use

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:我国对测谎技术和测谎结论的应用研究起步比较晚。20世纪80年代之前,我国诉讼法学界对测谎技术及测谎结论用于诉讼证据持全棉否定态度。直至80年代以后,才开始了测谎的技术研究......
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