
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-04
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Abstract:After nearly 40 years since the founding of the PRC,administrative dispute in our country mainly rely on administrative means to solve,then the related system of administrative litigation with the deepening of reform and opening-up and learning western legal system,through the process,the development of democracy and legal system,administrative litigation mediation system also gradually building, but only the administrative litigation law made "provisions on compensation lawsuit mediation".With further increase the level of China's legal system,administrative litigation system and administrative judicial reality and the need of building service-oriented government, the relevant problems existing in the system of administrative litigation has appeared, has lagged behind and hindered the development of judicial practice.Therefore,it is necessary to make a detailed investigation and analysis of the mediation in administrative litigation system, perfect our administrative litigation mediation system, to remedy the defects, and then get on China's existing administrative litigation mediation system improvement suggestions, in order to return to Chinese administrative law should.

Key words:Line litigation mediation; Current situation defect; System perfect

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:为了使行政诉讼调解制度适应我国行政审批工作的需要,发挥该制度对化解官民纠纷的应有功能,本文拟就行政诉讼调解制度的相关问题进行探讨,提出相关完善建议,以一己之见抛砖......
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