
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-04
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Abstract:The defense right of simultaneous performance is a bilateral contract is an important part of the system of plea,at the same time, it is also an important system of Contract lawthe,in the modern economic society, the system can better solve the problem of judicial practice, to resolve the social economic contradictions and disputes, and promoting social harmony。Therefore,defense right of simultaneous performance of ensuring creditor's rights, to encourage trade, risk prevention, it is significant to promote the stable development of the market economy。

   However, in the judicial practice of the system are not combined with practice to better solve the problem of judicial practice, the theory and practice of the embarrassing situation. Not only can not resolve conflicts and disputes, but also challenges the dignity and authority of lawin 。Order to solve the problem of our country's defense system in the judicial practice and performance,we should establish a unified system of the right to plea of simultaneous performance and give it new meaning,is poured into the new blood,and at the same time, improve the defense system of the right to perform simultaneously the judicial relief way。

Key words: bilateral contract,creditor's rights,the defense right of simultaneous performance

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:既然在一个双务合同中双方的权利和义务是相互依存并互为条件的,因此,原则上要求双方当事人必须同时履行自己所承担的义务。一方当事人只有在已履行或者已提出履行的前提基础......
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