
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-05
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摘 要:合同能源管理是一种新型的节约能源管理机制,是推广新的节能技术与设施有效方式。如今我国的环境恶化程度严重,在我国发展所处的初期阶段产生的问题引发本文的思索。本文主要是就三个方面进行讨论合同能源管理运作的基本模式,包括合同能源管理发展现状,合同能源管理发展所产生的问题,合同能源管理的法律规制三方面做出概述。因本文涉及内容包括经济法、合同法、担保法等多部法律,所以内容多而复杂,笔者尽力做出全面而又简单的阐述。

关键词:合同能源管理  能源管理合同  节能服务公司  法律规制


Abstract:Contract energy management is a new type of energy conservation management mechanism, which itself is very worthy of study. Combined with the Chinese today's level of environmental degradation is severe, causing their problems in the early stages of China's development in which the thinking of this article. This article is mainly on three aspects discussed the basic mode of operation of the contract energy management, including energy management contract development status, make an overview of the problems arising from the development of the contract energy management, energy management contract legal regulation. This article include "economic law", "Contract Law", "Guarantee Law" and many other legal contents are many and complex, I try to make a comprehensive and simple exposition.

Key words: Energy performance contracting , energy management contract , energy services company , laws and regulation

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:本文立足于对合同能源管理的功能、价值的研究,在阐述合同能源管理的起源、发展前景的基础上,借鉴发达国家的成功经验,并结合我国实践中的具体情况,把握我国合同能源管理制......
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