
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘  要: 经济法作为一个独立的法律部门,有其独特的理论体系,就其基本理论而言仍有许多不完善之处,经济法的可诉性就是其中之一。要研究我国经济法的可诉性必须要明确经济法的概念、调整范围、经济法可诉性的基本理论以及我国经济法可诉性的现状和缺陷,以一定的条件为衡量标准才能找到实现经济法可诉性的完善模式。本文笔者在了解了经济法的基本理论的基础上,从法的可诉性概念和经济法的可诉性概念入手,对我国经济法的可诉性现状进行了分析,找出了其存在的缺陷,并在分析目前学者们提出的可诉性完善模式的基础上试图提出了一种符合我国现状的包括违宪审查制度和经济诉讼制度等的经济法可诉性完善模式。

关键词:经济法  可诉性   违宪审查  经济诉讼


Abstract:As an independent legal department, economic law has its own theory systerm. The justiciability of economic law has been one of the imperfections of the basic theory of economic law. To research the justiciability of economic law, we have to know the concept and adjustment range of economic law and the basic theory, current situation and defects of the justiciability of economic law clearly. Only weigh it by certain conditions can we find a perfect model for realizing the justiciability of economic law. Based on realizing the basic theory of economic law, the author analyzed the current situation of the justiciability of economic law and found its defects by researching the justiciability of law and economic law. By suming up and analyzing the models which is put forward by some scholars and experts for perfecting the justiciability of economic law, the author atempt to come up with a model which adapts to our national conditions and includes consitutional review systerm and economic lawsuits systerm.   

Key Words:economic law , justiciability , constitutional review , economic lawsuits

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:经济法的可诉性是经济法基本理论的重要组成部分之一,完善经济法的可诉性既是完善我国经济法基本理论的要求也是我国司法实践的需要。因此,建立一种适合我国法治发展现状的实......
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