
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘  要: 随着科学技术和市场经济的快速发展,广告成为一种最重要的传播信息的媒介,各种各样的广告充斥着人们的生活,对于人们的意识与消费倾向的引导作用愈发突显,很大程度上刺激了内需、促进了经济的发展。但随之而来的是形形色色的用以欺骗和误导消费者的虚假广告。虚假广告有着较大的危害性,不但严重挫伤了公众对广告的信赖度、损害了商品上生产经营者之间正当的竞争关系,扰乱了社会正常的经济秩序,同时还危害了消费者的安全权、知情权、自主选择权、公平交易权等合法权益,可以说虚假广告已经成为了威胁广大消费者合法权益的一大社会“公害”。我国应利用完善广告法律体系、加大监督管理力度、提高消费者的维权意识、加强广告行业自律等对策对虚假广告加以规制,达到从根本上杜绝虚假广告的最终目的。

关键词: 虚假广告  消费者权益  法律规制 


Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology and the market economy, advertising is one of the most important medium for disseminating information, a variety of ads full of people's lives, people's awareness and the guiding role of the propensity to consume is increasingly highlighted, it is large extent, stimulated domestic demand, promoting economic development. Followed by all kinds of false advertising to deceive and mislead consumers. The larger the dangers of false advertising, not only seriously hurt the reliability of public advertising, damaged goods between legitimate producers and operators the competitive relationship, disrupting the normal social and economic order, but also harm the safety of consumers the legitimate rights and interests of the right to information, the right to choose, fair trading rights, false advertising has become a major social threat to the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of consumers "public nuisance". China should take advantage of advertising improve the legal system, intensify supervision and management, increasing consumer awareness of rights, the implementation of the advertising industry self-regulation of false advertising be regulated to achieve the ultimate goal to fundamentally eliminate the false advertising.

Key Words: False advertisement  Customers’ rights  Legal regulation

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:为了更好的维护市场经济的平稳、健康、快速、有序的发展,确保广告行业的良性循环,我认为有必要对虚假广告和消费者权益的保护等方面加强认识和研究。因此,本文将从虚假广告......
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