
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-07
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摘  要: 中国已经渐渐地进入了时尚、前沿、一流的国家行列,但是伴随着城市化进程加快而来的就是城市建设用地的紧张,越来越多的新建楼房拔地而起,楼房之间的距离也越变越小,采光权纠纷案件也变得越来越多。但是,我国现在对于采光权的立法还不完善,许多都存在着空白,而随着人们维权意识的逐渐增强,这样的法律明显满足不了对人们的保护,而且对于司法实践中解决纠纷也会带来很多的不方便。





关键词: 采光权 采光权妨害 赔偿标准 预防与救济


Abstract:China has gradually entered the fashion, the frontier, the first-class national ranks, but with urbanization and urban construction land is the nervous, more and more new buildings have sprung up, the distance between the building and the smaller, daylighting rights disputes also become more and more. But, our country is right for daylighting of the legislation is not perfect, and there are many blank, and as people rights consciousness of increasing, the law doesn't satisfy the obvious to people's protection, but also to the judicial practice in solving disputes can bring many inconveniences. 

   This paper combines the legal theory knowledge, the daylighting rights for analysis, and introduced the related case, points out the daylighting of the public focus right case, through these problems, the author also has tried to put forward some Suggestions. 

   First of all, in the first chapter of this article introduces the connotation and character of the right lighting lighting right disputes, to solve some key problems and the root of city lighting right disputes.

   Secondly, in the second chapter, the paper introduces several on the lighting right nuisance case, and the case was summarized, put forward about lighting right infringement question. On case dispute focus for analysis.

   Finally, in the third chapter, based on the right lighting harm several focus problems of the analysis, respectively, put forward to solve the relevant legal problems.

Key Words: the lighting right  the lighting right violated  standards of compensation  prevention and relief

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:由于我国现在对于采光权相关法律的规定过于笼统,对于相关的侵权没有统一的裁定和赔偿标准,各地法院对于此类案件的相关界定都是由法官自由裁量的,法官的主观因素是主要影响......
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