
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-05-22
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【Abstract】As credit, consumption and trade development and pace of globalization gradually the line be gradually fast, many national bankruptcy system has linked to all aspects of social life, like human blood, and general indivisible and the constitution, civil, international private law, finance, many consumer rights and interests protects legal department produced counless connection. But at the same time, China's personal bankruptcy system was ropey, the situation clearly against the orderly development of market economy. Based on analysis of establishing personal bankruptcy system the feasibility and the necessity, and on the basis of the legislation through comparison, referencing the way to construct experience in China, some personal bankruptcy system to think about legal system, and further points out that pushing personal bankruptcy system still need to perfect the construction of the supporting system.

【Key words】Personal bankruptcy system  Legislation  Bankruptcy of the main  Insolvency proceedings

上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述:【摘要】随着信用、消费和贸易的发展以及经济的全球化,发达国家和地区已经建立了较为健全的个人破产制度,并对社会经济的发展起到了一定的促进作用。但与此同时,中国个人破......
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