
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我爱我家 更新时间:2013-05-22
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   【关键词】社区矫正  未成年犯  非监禁刑罚


【Abstract】At present Community correction is a non-imprisonment penalty system in our country which is of theoretical research and work pilot being synchronous fumbled. But the entire move is limited to repair surface problems, especially for juvenile offender. China's juvenile community correction system is still at the stage of exploration, lack of practical experience. Significant flaw still exists in correction methods, the main subject of management and rectify. Contrast of foreign advanced correction system, there is an urgent need to combine juvenile’s physical and mental characteristics, taking examples by abroad experience to improve and innovate the juvenile community correction system. Therefore, if we adhere to the humanized correction route and always be people-oriented, it can play more effective management function to juvenile delinquency problem, and has the advantage which the traditional judicial correction mode can’t be compared.

【Key words】community correction;juvenile offender;non-imprisonment penalty


上传会员 我爱我家 对本文的描述: 【摘要】社区矫正是中国通过移植和多年的试点准备全面推广的一种非监禁刑罚制度,但因立法滞后,尤其是对于未成年犯而言,目前我国的未成年犯社区矫正制度尚未完善,在......
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