
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:孜孜不倦 更新时间:2013-06-24
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【Abstract】Aging of the population to the emergence of new features, but at the same time has brought problems, including the elderly crime. In general, crime in the society as a whole, the proportion of elderly crime is very low, in the entire elderly population, crime rate is very low. However, as the process of population aging, the elderly will become more and more prominent crime. Study its root causes, we can easily find, in the elderly into old age, with its own physical and mental status changes, some of the elderly will have a "feeling back" phenomenon, manifested in thought becomes stubborn mood, irritability, impulsivity, lack of tolerance and restraint. Combined retirement, many elderly people had a full life suddenly become empty, and from the contradictions of family life, significantly induced by the elderly crime. Mainly reflected in the strong development of productive forces, improve urban and rural security system, strengthening of popularizing and propagating the elderly play a mediating role in the grassroots, to enable the elderly warm in a harmonious family spend their twilight years. 

【Key words】Crime committed by Elders; Prevention against Crimes; Criminal Punishment; Temper Justice with Mercy


上传会员 孜孜不倦 对本文的描述:预防老年人犯罪的对策应包括完善立法,刑罚应体现宽严相济精神,社会和家庭应重视老年人的物质和精神生活等。主要体现在大力发展生产力,完善城乡保障体系,加强对老年人的普......
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