
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-17
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Abstract:With the tide of global green, green barriers, as the direction of development emerging technical barriers to international trade, which has become basic international trade policy measures. Such measures with its reasonable spirit, can promote the development of low standard product, and benefit to mankind environment protection and raising the quality of products. But on the other hand, these technical standards are based on importing countries technology level. If the standards too high, it will be difficult for the developing countries to achieve. Therefore, the result of this seemingly equal but discriminate technical standard is that the goods in developing countries can hardly enter the market in developed countries, and the developing countries’ process of modernization and industrialization is kept down. The article introduces the necessity of perfecting legal system of green trade barriers, explains our problems in this system, and makes some suggestions to perfect our legal system of green trade barriers after taken example by the experience abroad.

Key words: green trade barriers;environmental protection;law system




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:作为方便易行、见效快的强有力保护手段,绿色贸易壁垒愈来愈频繁地付诸实施,矛头直指我国大宗出口产品,使中国成为“绿色壁垒”和反倾销措施的主要打击对象,致使中国许多产......
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