
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:With the deepening of the process of economic globalization, our country’s trading with the whole world is becoming more and more frequent. Fundamental breach of the system is widely applicable in today's international trading is an important contractual rules, is a powerful safeguard mechanism in the contract system. But the current legal system of fundamental breach to be clearly defined, the jurisprudence on fundamental breach of contract has not yet formed a clear, unified view,  this will not help to protect the legitimate rights and interests of contract parties, seriously restricting the integration of our laws and the world. 

   By examining the necessary to improve Chinese fundamental breach of contract in my thesis, you can find the analysis of the main problems of the system by foreign comparative study on the system of fundamental breach of contract, drawing on foreign legislative experience, put forward several recommendations to improve China's fundamental breach of the system. 

Key words:Fundamental breach;Rescission of contract;Criterion;Exemption clause restriction




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:根本违约是从英国普通法中产生的一种违约形态。根本违约制度,是指当合同一方的违约影响了另一方订立合同时所期待的利益,另一方有权解除合同并请求损害赔偿,由此造成的责任......
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