
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:大学校花 更新时间:2013-09-30
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Abstract:Overseas Investment Insurance originated in the United States, whose main role is to prevent their private foreign investment by the host country political risk. In contrast,the legal construction of China's overseas investment is quite lag and inadequate. From every point of view, it is urgent for China to improve the system of Overseas Investment Insurance. This article focuses on the problems of current system of Overseas Investment Insurance and the analysis china's overseas investment insurance system problems in practice and legislation, and further points out the necessity and importance of the Perfection of the system. And, more importantly,regarding that China has not yet established our own legal department of overseas investment insurance, the author is supposed to raise several desired advice to improve China's overseas investment insurance system through drawing lessons from experience of foreign countries and comparing the overseas investment system.

Key words: overseas investment insurance;subrogation right;bilateral investment protection agreements;insurance conditions




上传会员 大学校花 对本文的描述:本文将针对我国海外投资保险制度存在的不足,剖析我国海外投资保险制度的实践与立法问题,进一步指出了完善我国该制度的必要性和重要性。尤为重要的是,考虑到我国尚未有《海......
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