
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-01
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关键词:安乐死,生命权 ,合法化


Abstract:Euthnasia has long been controversial, With the progress of the social technology,economic,culture,the death concepting of man had changed significantly.In the world,Many national treatment euthanasia from the past prohibition,the opposition,transformed gradually into the legislation management. Because the euthanasia involves disciplines and so on ethics,medicine,legal science,sociology,psychology,involves aspect and so on doctor,patient,family,society relations.Causes it to need the thorough discussion,enable the euthanasia many questions to obtain the properly solution,impels the euthanasia the legalization further to develop.

   Study on the legalization of euthanasia is world-wide issues, appropriate and rational system of how to build,and more prominent practical needs.In order to promote the progress of China's legal and human rights protection,need an analysis concepts,current legislation on euthanasia.Reasons for euthanasia should be legalized for expositions, discussion on the system construction of euthanasia to make some. A modern society should respect the patient's right to life and personal freedom of choice, for patients to Hospice care.Legislation of euthanasia has its legal basis, analysis of the practice of euthanasia from the perspective of criminal law is not socially harmful behavior. Law should not avoid euthanasia, euthanasia should have their own legal status. And should follow the basic principles of the legislation of euthanasia, and then discusses implementing euthanasia shall meet the conditions, propose how to exercise supervision of euthanasia as well as liability for illegal euthanasia.

Key Word: ehthanasia,life right,legislation


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文对安乐死应当合法化的理由进行论述,并对安乐死制度的构建做出一些探讨,现代文明社会应尊重患者的生命权与个人选择自由,对患者以临终关怀。安乐死有其法理上的立法依据......
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