
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-01
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Abstract:Nowadays, network market has become a new field of commercial competition, and has brought about tremendous driving force as well as economic benefits to our social development. However, the network has not only brought in huge convenience to people’s production and life; it also rocked the system of traditional commercial competition. Competing interests make it possible for people to seek benefits online, and at the same time, lots of new unethical competitive behavior is produced under the network environment, such as cybersquatting, malfeasance hyperlink and improper competition online. All of these has hampered the healthy development of network market and baffled the market development space in our country. Base on this cognition, this essay analyses the meaning and the main existing problems of legal regulation of unethical competitive behavior on the internet. Through the overseas legal regulation for unethical competitive behavior, offer the revelation to our country and make suggestions for legal regulation of online unethical competitive behavior for China.

Key words: improper competition online,legal regulation,Legislative mode,Regulatory mechanism




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:分析了网络不正当竞争行为法律规制的意义和我国网络不正当竞争行为法律规制存在的主要问题,通过国外网络不正当竞争行为法律规制对我国的启示,提出关于我国网络不正当竞争行......
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