
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:Female employees of special labor rights protection has become the general labor concerns. In 1988, Chinese first female worker labor protection of special rights of female workers' labor protection regulations,has been unable to meet the increasingly severe labor relations so that the legislation exposure to large defects. The legislative lag and lack of maneuverability and punishment measures, which is difficult to achieve the original purpose of legislation,and legislation law enforcement disjointed, lack of effective supervision mechanism, coupled with the labour market is not perfect, employers of illegal operations and the interests of female employees know inadequacy, female worker labor rights protection issues need to be solved. The author drew lessons from foreign experience, put forward a few proposal to protect the labor rights of female workers of special, think that in order to improve female worker special labor protection of female workers, we must adjust a reasonable rang to special labor rights protection, make the legislation established, and then make the law,female worker labor protection regulations, and increase to violations of female workers of special labor rights behavior punishment, improve female worker social security system, enhance the female workers legal awareness and self-protection awareness. 

Key words: Female worker; special labor rights; The taboos labor range ; punishment




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:笔者借鉴了国外经验,提出保护女职工特殊劳动权的几点建议,认为要完善女职工特殊劳动权保护,必须合理调整女职工特殊劳动权的保护范围,完善立法,制定《女职工特殊劳动权保......
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