
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-13
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Abstract:Wage arrears is known as that employer violates laws or provisions of the labor contract, and that behavior of employer can't pay labor wages in full and on time. Recent years, with the spreading of the wage arrears at the end of the year, not only seriously infringed the rights of migrant workers, endanger the worker's security, but also influence the normal employment relationship in where it happened wage phenomenon,to the enterprise a bad influence. At the end of the year, wages in arrears not only damage the interests of workers, affecting the normal process of economic development, but also endanger the social harmony and stability. In this paper, the author analyses the wages in arrears at the end of the year of wages phenomenon on the basis of legal reasons, improves workers' rights awareness, perfect the basic system, perfect the means of relief measures, in order to prevent the occurrence of the enterprises arrears of wages phenomenon at the end of the year. 

Key words: Wage arrears at the end of the year;Endangering;Countermeasures




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文在详细分析我国年末欠薪现象产生的法律原因基础上,提出提高劳动者维权意识、健全基本制度,完善救济途径等对策,以预防企业年末欠薪现象的发生。 ......
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