
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:Shareholder is company survives, management and development of the interests in the main body, so shareholder rights and interests protection is the core of company governance problems, to the interests of small and medium shareholders effective protection is the company system of fairness and efficiency premise. Our country to minority shareholders of the protection of the rights and started late, along with the development of company system, the new company law and the new company law of explain the produce of the protection of the right of the minority shareholders of the discussion is more and more, in the system and the research field have also made some achievements, but there are still many disadvantages. This article through the analysis of the rights of the minority shareholders of the legal attribute, in view of China's minority shareholders of the protection of the rights and interests of the minority shareholders of the defined not clear, the corporate governance structure is imperfect, the protection of the rights of the minority shareholders of the relief system in its shortcomings, profit from the overseas experience and the system of our country, puts forward the minority shareholders of the rights and interests protection uniform legislation sure the minority shareholders of the rights scope, perfecting the corporate governance structure and improve the protection of the rights of the minority shareholders of the relief system of a number of Suggestions.

Key words: A few shareholders' equity; Inadequate protection; Legal countermeasures




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文通过分析少数股东权益的法律属性,针对我国少数股东权益保护中少数股东权益范围界定不清、公司法人治理结构不完善、少数股东权益保护的救济制度不全面等不足之处,借鉴国......
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