
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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摘要:随着社会主义市场经济的发展, 试用买卖作为一种新兴的商品交易方式越来越多地进入消费者的日常生活,同时成为商家销售新产品的重要方式之一。我国《合同法》对试用买卖的规定过于简单,在关于试用买卖的性质、试用方式及试用费的确定和风险负担等问题都缺乏明确的规定,不利于该领域纠纷的解决。




Abstract:Along with the development of the socialist market economy, trial business as a new way of commodities trading more and more into the daily life of the consumers, and become one of the important ways of saling new products by businessman. The gulation of trial sale in our country "contract law" are too simple, lack of clear rules about the nature of the business in the trial, trial way and the definition of the cost and risk burden , go against solving the dispute of the field . 

   This essay analyzes the different ademic views of domestic and foreign scholars about the trial business, and combined with the situation of the construction of the legal system in China, make system and comprehensive discuss on trial business contract and come up with some better suggestions for the relevant legislative defects.

Key words: trial sale;contract;perfect;judicial application





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:在对试用买卖合同制度进行立法上的完善的同时,在司法适用上,审判者在处理各类试用买卖合同纠纷时,应当仔细分析各类纠纷的问题所在,谨慎考虑应适用何种规定来解决。......
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