
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:Because of the civil procedure law system in the world is a very important system, most countries is more detailed this regulation, it is helpful for safeguard judicial justice and be helpful for resolving the dispute between the parties private right, save in lawsuit cost, achieve litigation economic value. In recent years, the educational system to think the theory research has made some achievements, but far from meeting the needs of the litigation legislation and practice, further study of the theory of the system to think is necessary. The our country civil procedure law to think in the regulations still is not perfected, there exist many defects such as had not been regulated formation condition, without person of civil action competence legal agent avowed lack of standardized effect, did not specify additional restrictions its effectiveness, etc, our country should base on the national conditions, and on the basis of reference from foreign legislation on the related regulations, strengthen the legislation of the believes, constantly perfect our avowed system, and meet the needs of the lawsuit practice.

Key Words: admission;efect;perfect





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:我国民事诉讼法中对自认的规定尚不完善,存在着诸多的缺陷,如未明确规定自认形成的前提条件,无民事行为能力人的法定代理人的自认效力缺乏规范,未详细规定附加限制自认的效......
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