
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:Kidnapping, with the aim of extorting money or other purposes, abduct others by means of violence, duress, etc. Although the literal meaning is very simple, the determination of the crime of kidnapping always be very hard and there is no consistent opinion of its standard. This is all decided by the particularity of kidnapping for its implementation method and expression are similar to other crimes in many aspects. When charging the crime, other crimes are difficult to distinguish from kidnapping. Especially the difference between the crime of illegal detention and kidnapping, and the distinction between the crime of pillage and kidnapping. In our country in the kidnapping of the above legislation still exist in the insufficient place.So, the author make an attempt to give some personal advices to the determination of kidnapping by analyzing the crime construction of kidnapping, the standard of accomplishment, quantity of crime,etc.

Key words: Kidnapping;Affirm ;Standard of accomplishment;Quantity of crime;




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:人们往往难以区分他们之间的区别,尤其是绑架罪与非法拘禁罪、绑架罪与抢劫罪之间的区别。而且,在我国在绑架罪的立法上面还存在着不足的地方。笔者通过分析绑架罪的犯罪构成......
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