
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-15
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Abstract:The legal principle of crime and punishment in criminal law is a basic principle. Basic meaning is" no law does not expressly provide for the crime" and" null paean sine loge". The legal principle of crime and punishment has always been experiencing the changes of the times, has been established in many countries law, become the important criterion to distinguish between crime and non-crime. This principle is established formally in our country, after a period of development, to our country criminal law development brought more advanced scientific guidance. At the same time, it is in the development process also encountered with traditional criminal law idea conflict, legislation technology is insufficient wait for a series of challenges. This paper mainly analyzes the legal principle of crime and punishment in China's judicial realization in some of the problems put forward, through the modern judicial ideas, perfecting the criminal legislation and management mechanism, to establish a good judicial operation environment of the three measures, so as to promote the statutory principle of crime and penalty in the judicial process.

Key words: The statutory principle of crime and penalty, criminal law, judicial interpretation




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:在向市场化过渡的特定历史时期,在以发展经济和民主政治为核心的现代化进程中,我国刑法更应将保障公民权利的实现作为首要任务,充分体现刑事法治的民主性和国家对公民基本权......
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